Ebay, Dealer or Private Seller Car Buying, Vehicle Transport & Shipping Services
Full-Service Car Buying
Get your dream car or motorcycle with us on fixed terms by either using our trusted escrow service or buy it on your own and we’ll handle the logistic part for you by shipping the car to your home port or door.
Car Search Help & Online Auction Service
We can also search for the right vehicle for your needs and buy it directly from the owners, banks, insurance companies, foreclosures, police auctions, eBay and merchant direct auctions in Germany, USA & Canada for you at a flat rate.
How does it work?
Once we have located a suitable vehicle or motorcycle for you, we will contact you shortly. After consulting with you, we then make an offer at the auction for you or negotiate for the best price with dealers or private sellers. Our convenient vehicle transport & shipping services will make the car buying process easy and fast.
Car Transport & Logistics
We can arrange for shipping on every car we buy anywhere in the USA. Daily departures from Miami, Houston, NY, Los Angeles & San Francisco.
Global Car Buying & Shipping
We arrange for shipping anywhere on every car we buy from private sellers, merchants & auctions. Special Flat Rate Direct Buy / Purchase $500.
US Auto Auction & eBay Buying
We’ll bid on your behalf for immediate car buying or reservations. Flat rate: $350 / Local assessment + purchase: $850.
VIP Car Check Service
Vehicle inspections start at $199. We also offer TÜV / Homologation, Retrofitting & Compliance in Berlin & Bremen for all vehicle brands.
Car Shipping to Dubai
As an authorized vehicle dealer and exporter, we will help our clients buying and importing automobiles to Dubai and everywhere in the globe.
Car Shipping to Germany
We can assist you with every step of the buying process, and arrange to ship your car from the US or any location worldwide to Germany.
Car Shipping to Holland
Berlin Motors is a licensed car dealer and exporter assisting customers buying & importing vehicles to Holland and all over the world.
You have found your dream car and would like to place a bid on a vehicle on various auction sites such as eBay, uShip, dealers or private individuals.
CAREFREE IMPORT – One Stop Complete Vehicle Import Services
Berlin Motors is based in the US and Germany. You can reach us at +0049-30-743 02 710.
Need a quote fast?
Quotes for Ebay, dealer or private seller car buying, escrow services, car transport & shipping services are just a click away, with a guaranteed response within 24 hours.
If you have questions, give us call:
+0049-30-743 02 710
- Save thousands of dollars / euros and get your dream car with the guaranteed lowest rates to Germany or any other destination worldwide.
- Expert Vehicle Transport & Shipping Services. Berlin Motors is available 7 days a week – 24 hours a day. Contact us today.
- Buy directly from a state-licensed & insured US dealer / transportation broker headquartered in Germany & USA – not through an intermediary without any security or insurance.
- Payment of all orders directly to Germany or the USA accepted in Euro or US currency.